Sunday, January 20, 2008


At dinner tonight, everyone seemed to be talking at the same time. Finally I just said, "Everybody stop talking I can't hear anything, and it's rude!" Romania looked at me and said, "Blurt!"

I'm learning new vocabulary from Romania and his new charter school. His teacher keeps a tally of how many 'blurts' the kids have during a school day. Their goal each day is to have fewer than the day before. He'll come home and tell me, "We only had 8 blurts today!" If the kids have few enough 'blurts', then they get a little popcorn treat at the end of the week.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll implement that one at home during our school hours.

Laura and the family said...

That's interesting how we, as adults, learn new vocabulary words from younger kids. I will use that in case both of my boys are talking to me :-)