At dinner tonight, everyone seemed to be talking at the same time. Finally I just said, "Everybody stop talking I can't hear anything, and it's rude!" Romania looked at me and said, "Blurt!"
I'm learning new vocabulary from Romania and his new charter school. His teacher keeps a tally of how many 'blurts' the kids have during a school day. Their goal each day is to have fewer than the day before. He'll come home and tell me, "We only had 8 blurts today!" If the kids have few enough 'blurts', then they get a little popcorn treat at the end of the week.
Sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll implement that one at home during our school hours.
That's interesting how we, as adults, learn new vocabulary words from younger kids. I will use that in case both of my boys are talking to me :-)
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