Saturday, June 7, 2008

Day of Fishing

Today we went out to a park near Estacada for a day of free fishing. Parks all over the state offered free day use and some even had free fishing clinics for the kids. They had park rangers to help with setting up poles and free bait. They even had poles you could borrow.

The little pond was cute, but very muddy. I had a hard time getting down this steep embankment that had been travelled so much it was basically a big mudslide. We got down to the bank and got the poles baited and tried to cast, but it was so crowded, we spent a lot of the time pulling hooks out of tree branches and untangling lines with our neighbors. The kids had a good time. They even got hot dogs, chips and pop for their efforts.

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We ended up moving to the other side of the pond and fished near my sister and her kids. Holland even won a raffle prize - a book flashlight. We all ended up pretty muddy but the kids didn't seem to mind that they didn't catch anything. Oh well. Maybe we'll head out again on a less drizzly day and try again.


RecknHavic said...

Hope you don't mind this unsolicited comment. But, was up late tonite scrollin through various blogs and stumbled upon yours. The Smilebox thing caught my eye; gonna hafta ck-it out.

You have a good lookin family there.

God bless.

Unknown said...

Glad you stopped by!